Vacancies for Two Parish Councillors
Do you like living in Wistow?
Do you want to help your village?
Do you want to be a Parish Councillor?
Please indicate your interest by contacting the Parish Clerk:
Contact Us message on our Website:
To be a Parish Councillor, you must:
- Be 18 years of age or over
- Have the required citizenship (s.79 LGA 1972)
and at least one of the following:
- At the date of your application are an elector for the Parish of Wistow
- At the date of your application you have, during the whole of the past 12 months have occupied (as owner or tenant) land or other premises in the Parish
- At the date of your application, had your principal or only place of work during the whole of the past 12 months, in the Parish
- At the date of your application you have, during the whole of the past 12 months lived within the Parish or within three miles of the Parish boundary
Note: If ten or more electors request (within 14 days of this notice) that a bi-election is held then such will be conducted by North Yorkshire Council Democratic Services. If no bi-election is requested then this vacancy will be filled by the Co-Option policy.
Closing Date 30th November 2023
Interview Date TBC Early December 2023
Date of this Notice: 17th October 2023