Message from Rob Poskitt Chair of Wistow Parish Council Wistow Parish Council would like to applaud and congratulate the Trustees of the Jubilee Village Hall for putting so much effort into the...
Village Life
Chairman’s Flooding & Water Level news and call for help at the meeting 02-06-2024
Wistow Flooding & Water Level As a member of the Parish Council a parishioner brought to the Council the flooding of his back garden in December 2023. I was tasked with...
Bishop Wood Dog Fouling
Wistow Parish Council has worked with Forestry England to ensure that the car park area of Bishop Wood is cleaned of dog foul - in recent months, the council has received complaints that the Bishop...
Link to Wistow Churches website
In our Wistow Village section we now have a link to the Wistow Churches website providing information and copies of the Wistow Village News...
POO Posters
Wistow Primary School have designed some posters to be put up around the village, these are on the theme of asking dog walkers to pick up after their dogs . Please watch out for these "Poo...