Council Members

Contact via the Clerk, or use the Contact form on this website please.

Rob Poskitt



H Robin Poskitt

I moved to Wistow in 1987 with my wife Janet and two young children, whilst still serving in West Yorkshire Fire Service, Retiring after 32years with a Chief Fire Officers Commendation. Starting my own company I also got involved with village life in 2008.

2008-2009 Joined the village Parish Plan committee.

2009-2021 Developed and ran the village web site.

2009-2015 Founding member of the Scarecrow festival Committee.

2010-2015 I became a Parish Councillor.

2010-2015 Served on the Community Engagement Committee.

2010 Chaired the Village Design Statement.

2010-2023 Village Hall committee member.

2011 Along with others started the charitable trust Wistow All Saints Heritage Appeal (WASHA). Raised £100,000 to repair the church, project manged the repairs and still Chair the charity to this day.

2012-2023 Village Hall Trustee (Chair).

2012 Built and erected the Village Beacon.

2012 Committee member on the Golden Jubilee celebrations.

2022 Committee member on the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

2023 Seconded on to Parish Council to assist in progressing the New Cemetery.