
Vacancy for Parish Councillor

Vacancy for Wistow Parish Councillors

We are looking for people who would like to help in keeping Wistow a great place to live and assist the community into experiencing a better life within the Parish.

As a Parish Councillor; which is an unpaid position on the council, you will need enthusiasm to be available to attend Parish Council Meetings. So, some of your own time will be sacrificed to carry out the task and help the Parish Council spend its limited funds (also known as the precept: that is provided by a small contribution from parishioners Council Tax) wisely and so maintain/improve the village we live in.

You will be joining a small group of 6 other Parish Councillors and the Parish Clerk.

Regular activities that the Parish Council oversee are things like grass cutting/hedge trimming, maintenance of village amenities like the playground and benches, ensuring the church clock keeps working, insurances are in place and utility bills are paid for street lighting etc. Then project work includes things like the creation of the new cemetery, negotiating to help ensure drainage issues are resolved/prevented. To achieve the above, the Parish Council also seek out and strive to agree additional funding to extend the precept funding. As such there are a multitude of roles you may be able to get involved with, maybe using your current skills or even learning new ones.


To be a Parish Councillor, you must:

  1. Be 18 years of age or over
  2. Have the required citizenship (s.79 Local Government Act 1972)

and at least one of the following:

  • At the date of your application are an elector for the Parish of Wistow


  • At the date of your application you have, during the whole of the past 12 months have occupied (as owner or tenant) land or other premises in the Parish


  • At the date of your application, had your principal or only place of work during the whole of the past 12 months, in the Parish


  • At the date of your application you have, during the whole of the past 12 months lived within the Parish or within three miles of the Parish boundary


Please indicate your interest by contacting the Parish Clerk:


Contact Us message on our Website:

Note: As ten or more electors DID NOT request (within 14 days of the original vacancy notices), NO bi-election was required to be conducted by North Yorkshire Council Democratic Services. Therefore this vacancy will be filled by the Co-option policy.


Closing Date 31st January 2025

Interview Date TBC early Feb 2025 to be appointed at the WPC meeting on 11th February 2025.

Date of this Notice:  5th January 2025

Open a copy here – Advert for new cllr January 2025

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